Tuesday, January 22, 2008

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA...

HA!, HA! HA.......Got the JCrew bathing suit in the mail. Now what made me think I could wear that? I must have had one too many Bud Lights when I ordered it. I looked like a stuffed pepper. Must be returned ASAP. I think I'll keep the beach cover up and call it a day.

The gym is screaming my name again.


hqm said...

You are so funny! I did the same thing last year, but I actaully tried it on at the store and still bought it! My daughter was with me, she said it look great! Never trust the opinion of a six year old. Needless to say it went back to J. Crew the very next day!

The Mrs. said...

PLease! I couldn't do it either!!!!!

Cindy said...

It is a pretty small suit. I've moved into the one-piece phase of my life. I'm impressed you even considered it!

Suburban prep said...

I have gone into the era of the one piece suit myself.
Actually I'll have to purchase a suit sometime soon.

Greens and Pinks said...

I too am in the one piece suit era as I close in on 35 this summer. For me it is time!

Anonymous said...

you all are a tough crowd...go for the two piece! inspirational!