Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Headed to the Cape

Yup, I'm off to the Cape tomorrow....at some point! I have a Dr's apt. in Boston so Mom (a.k.a. Earth Angel) is taking the little man for the day and I'm headed into town to shop (watch out Newbury Street and Charles Street) and then hopefully make my appointment (wink-wink)! The Mr. is out of town on biz so I'm going to head down to the Cape after my day in Boston and stay a few days-very excited! I'm going to finish a few Pink Lobster orders, get my hair fixed (way too blonde right now-we're talking Shakira roots-not a good look) and relax a little. Hopefully the weather will be nice. Okay, off to pack and head to bed! Ciao!


Kimba said...

Have a ball!!!!!

Newbury and Charles St, now that is a day in the city!

hot potato said...

i am so jealous. good for you. enjoy.